Records - Expats (Visa)

Records - Expats (Visa)

1 - Introduction

After informing the system the en - Records - Tipos (tipos de protocolo de visto) and en - Records - Tipos (tipos de visto), the visas are able to be recorded as will be displayed in this article. It is recommended that all the Visas be recorded here so the workers can legally perform their jobs in a country.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality, the permission “Maintain Visa” must be granted to the responsible profiles for operate and control the functionality.

To grant such access, read the article: Granting Access Permissions (Previous version)

3 - Registering a new Visa

3.1 To start the process, go to: Records > HR > Expat> Visas.

3.2 The page “Visas” will be displayed.

3.3 Click on "Add" to include .

3.4 A window will open with the tabs: Main, Protocols and Validities.

On the tab "Main", inform the basic data of the passport, such as worker’s name, visa type, country of origin and the first arrival in the country.

Worker: Worker’s name

Type: Visa type to be recorded

Country: Country of origin

Validity: Visa validity

First Entry: Worker’s first arrival in the country.

3.5.1 On the tab “Protocols“ visa protocols and its details can be included.

Click on “Add” and a new window will display with two tabs: Main and Moving type.

3.5.2 On the “Main” tab, fill the fields as below:

State: Protocol’s status.

Type: Protocol’s type.

Number: Protocol’s number.

3.5.3 On the tab “Moving type“ will be possible to inform the possible moving of the protocol. After informing the protocol data, including or not the movements, click on “Save and close”.

3.6 On the tab “Validities“, will be possible to add validity according to client’s needs.

There are cases that the Visa validity may vary according to client’s policy.

Ex: The worker has a Visa which issue date is 09/09/2012 and its expiring date is in 10 years, on 09/08/2022. However, the client demands that the visa’s renewal be made every 5 years. In this case must be informed on the tab “Validities” the time defined by the client. For this, click on the button “Add” and the window “Client Validity“ will be displayed. Inform the company demanding this date and the validity below.

After filling, click on “Save and Close“ to get back to the “Visa” page.

3.7 To record a new Visa, click on "Save and New".


4 - Changing a registered Visa

4.1 To change a Visa, click above it.

4.2 Next, the record window will be displayed. Change the necessary information and click on “Save and Close



5 - Deleting a registered Visa

5.1 To delete a a registered Visa, select the option to be deleted and click on “Delete”.=

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