Records - Crew Change (Countries)

1- Introduction

To record countries is necessary considering that some companies can use different names for this item, as such as name the country as “Brasil”, “Brazil” or “BR”. In order to not interfere on your company standards, this record is necessary to be done internally. It is a general use register and will be utilized for other functionalities besides crew change. Usually this is one of many other registrations which will be done once for implementation stage.

2 - Permissions

To access this functionality the permission “Manage Countries” must be given to the responsible profiles to manage the registration.

To grant this permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions

3 - Registering a Country

3.1 To register a new country on DRAKE, go to: Records > Crew Change> Countries.

3.2 After that, the screen "Countries" will be displayed listing all countries already registered on DRAKE.

On this same screen will be possible to add new countries. To add a new country, click on the “Add” symbol.

3.3 After clicking on  “Add”, a new window will be displayed. Fill the fields as requested.

Example: Country: “Mexico” / Acronym: “MX”

3.4 Para finalizar clique em "Salvar e fechar".

4 - Editing a Country

4.1 To change a registered country, choose the respective country on the screen “Countries”.

4.2 Done that, the register window will be displayed. Edit the information and click on “Save and Close” to finish the task.

5 - Deleting a Country

5.1 To delete a country is simple. Still on the screen “Countries”, select the country you want to delete and click on the trash bin symbol to “Remove”.


Behind DRAKE is a database where the information entered into the system is linked internally, thus creating a complex network. If you try to delete an item that has a link with other pertinent information, the system will block your action. In this case, unlink any and all possible information linked to the country record.

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