FAQ - Requests by E-mail and iDRAKE Logistics

FAQ - Requests by E-mail and iDRAKE Logistics

Control the Logistics requests is, mostly, an essential part of the offshore operational chain. Many times, for each worker embarking or disembarking, is necessary to request transport and accommodation. If those requests be multiplied by the quantity of workers in a Company, we may have an idea of how though can be to manage logistics of a company. With DRAKE, it is possible to transform all these data in a simplified process, where all the logistic information information be stored in a software - Improving safety and traceability of your company’s procedures.

However, a logistic request has two companies involved.


Requester - The company that requests the service.

Supplier - The company attending to the request performed by the requester.

The company requester is the DRAKE user, where can be sent the Request to the supplier. There are two ways of performing this request: By e-mail or iDRAKE Logistics


Requesting by iDRAKE Logistics

The transactions occur automatically and all the process is registered through the systems integration. What ensures greater agility and trustworthy for both parts.


  • Agility to receive and attend to the requests

  • Focus different customers requests in the same platform

  • Follow up of attendance status to customers requests.

  • Integrated treatment with customer’s DRAKE Personnel Logistics Module

  • Integrated invoicing with customer’s DRAKE Financial Module


  • Purchase process focused and auditable

  • More agility and transparency on attendance and requirements to the requests

  • Automatic control of traveling policy on service requests

  • Ease on invoices checking

  • Complete integration to DRAKE


Requesting by E-mail

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