FAQ - Similar Paths

FAQ - Similar Paths

2 - Instructions


2.1 Two workers (A and B) lives nearby and embark on the same platform. The worker A has a path and schedule is similar to worker B. Both needs the same Bus and car to travel and the accommodation to embark.

2.2 The path recorded to Worker A will be the same as Worker B. Considering the same path, the logistics can be performed by using the same request to both workers.

Merging paths

2.3 On the tab “Similar Routes“ a distance measuring bar where can be found all the workers with similar paths inside the chosen distance.

Attention: The distance is measured in kilometers (KM) based on the worker's source address geolocation.

2.4 After defining how many KM to define search, click on “Carregar (Load)“ and the search result will be displayed.

2.5 After this action, all the workers with similar paths as Matt will be listed below. Select which paths will be identical as Matt’s.


2.6 When clicking on “Save and Close“, DRAKE will set Matt’s path to the selected workers, however before doing this, go to the tab “Main” and make sure this worker’s path is with status “Complete”. This must be checked since all the selected workers will have the same path. If the changes are correct, click on “Save and Close“ to finish.

Ready! Now all workers are with the same routed included in the system and, when generating a new travel for the workers, DRAKE will indicate the needs described in this page.

3 - Conclusion

As seen, the path can be used for both workers A and B, but also for more workers in the defined distance while creating the path. Use “similar routes” to improve creating logistic needs. It is faster and will save time by doing this.


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