Logistic Schedules - Edit Participants

Logistic Schedules - Edit Participants

1 - Introduction

Adding participants on schedule has some edit options available. When clicking on embark/disembark tabs, the participants can be added or deleted and changes can also be made as will be displayed in this article.

2 - Steps

2.1 After creating a schedule and including the participants to embark/disembark, the workers will display listed as below:

2.2 When clicking over the participant’s name, a window will open and the following changes can be made:


Edit Participant:




The system will locate the jobs related to the worker, however it is possible to notify a job change. The jobs are registered on: Cadastros - Funções .


Type of occurrence of the schedule

Cost Center

Inform the cost center as registered onCadastro - Centro de Custo .

Passenger Type

Inform the passenger type as registered on Logistic Schedule Type .

Transportation Request

If registered on the tab Transport Requests, it can be selected.

Origin Address

Inform the origin address of the schedule. This information can be extracted from Record - Workers or Records - Addresses .

Embark priority

Inform the priority of the embark on from 1 to 3, or leave as “0”. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

Participate on RT

If the worker is on a TR, check this option.


Inform worker’s weight, this value is important to calculate flight’s capacity. This can algo be registered on https://sapiensia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/STAFF/pages/3408352 .


If there is any supervisor responbible for this worker, inform in this field. Supervisors are also registered as workers on https://sapiensia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/STAFF/pages/3408352 .


The system will search for registered accounts on https://sapiensia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/STAFF/pages/3408352 or https://sapiensia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SIA/pages/612008586 .

Pay Advance

If the worker is paid in advance to manage logistical costs, check this option.


Inform the advance payment with the company’s default currency.


2.3 After these changes, click on “Save and Close“.

3 - Changing origin address

3.1 TO change the worker’s address, still on embark/disembark tab, select the worker and click on “Edit”.

3.2 The window “usbdfiusbd” will open. There it is possible to choose any address recorded on DRAKE as the origin address for that specific ocasion.

3.3 After these changes, click on “OK” to finish.

Attention: The TBA To Be Announced) must be managed through the Crew Rotation page. For schedules regarding TBA participants, go to: Crew Rotation : TBA (To Be Announced)


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