Logistic Schedules - Closing a logistic schedule
1 - introduction
After including and checking the information of a logistic schedule, it is necessary to save and then close it. This article aims to detail the logistic schedule closing process.
2 - Permissions
To access this page, the option "Finalize logistic schedules" must be granted to the responsible profiles for controlling the functionality.
To grant such permission, read the article: Granting Access Permissions.
3 - Steps
3.1 The first step is to access the page on: Tasks > Crew Change> Logistic Schedules.
3.2 The window “Logistic Schedules” will be displayed listing all system schedules. Click on the schedule to be closed.
3.3 Confirm if all information inserted is correct and click on the button “Finalize” to proceed with the schedule closure.
3.4 A new page will be displayed with the schedule participants.
Obs.: If there is any blocked participant or the worker is a substitute, an alert sign will appear for each case. On alert and block, when landing the cursor above the sign will be exhibited the quantity of existing conflicts.
To obtain further information about those conflicts, click above the worker’s tag.
4 - Setting No-Shows
4.1 If necessary to apply No show for a worker, there are two ways of doing it.
The first one is simple, click above the worker and enable the “No Show” option.
4.2 The worker will be displayed on the group "Embark No show".
Another method is: hold the cursor over the worker’s tag and drag it to the group “Embark No Show”.
To drag, click over the icon as marked below:
Obs.: Those two methods are useful when applying no show on both embark and disembark cases.
4.3 Due to the parameter setting, will be requested a justification for the absence when the worker don’t embark on their crew change date. On these cases, will be necessary to inform a reason and a justification for such absence.
Obs.: Will not be possible to close a logistic schedule while the absence is not justified.
There are other parameters to automatically fill the justification and reason, they are: "Filling absence justification” e "Default reason absence justification".
4.4 If the parameter "Justify absence during finalization" is checked, when defining a no show for a worker, the fields “Reason” and “Justification” will be displayed on the right panel of the page.
Obs.: The reasons are registered on Tasks - Absence reason
4.5 Inform reason and justification and confirm by clicking on the “X” symbol do close.
Obs.: When the worker field is highlighted with a red traced border, means that a justification is required, whether it is absence or extra time.
5 - Extra Time Reason
5.1 As mentioned on absence reasons, the justifications for extra time is optional and needs to configure it with a parameter.
If the parameter "Demand extra time reason" is checked, when a situation of extra time occurs, will not be possible to finish a logistic schedule unless the justification is inserted.
Obs.: There is a possibility that the fields Reason and Justification can be automatically filled. For this, will be necessary to set other parameters, “Filling extra justification" and "Default reason to extra justification".
5.2 To insert a justification, click above the worker, then the fields “Reason” and “Justification” will be displayed on the right sidebar.
Obs.: The extra time reasons are originated from Records - Types (Extra Reason)
5.3 Fill in the fields as per required and click on the “X” button to confirm.
5.4 After finished, click on “Save” to close the schedule.
Obs.: Will not be possible to close a schedule with locks if the user does not have permission for such functionality. For this, will be necessary the permission "Finalize blocked schedule”.
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